Tree and Garden Watering Tips in Dallas-Fort Worth and Texas
Gardens and trees should be watered enough to keep the soil slightly moist but never noticeably wet and boggy. In very general terms, the following schedule applies:
- Winter Months: 1 watering per week (including grass areas)
- Spring and Fall: 2 watering per week
- Summer months: Water the lawn every other day if possible
- Newly planted materials: 1 watering per day in summer, 1 watering per week in winter months.
Obviously clouds, rain, snow, drainage, water bills, restrictions, type of watering and length of watering time all affect this schedule. Adjust as needed. Newly planted trees should be thoroughly soaked once per week in the hot growing season, and twice per month in the colder seasons. This should be done in addition to regular watering of the grass areas or planting areas surrounding your trees.
Once trees are established, a regular watering of the surrounding planting areas should suffice. During periods of extreme droughts, however, the soaking procedures may need to be repeated.
General lawn and tree care rules:
- Water carefully and consistently, especially during the 1st year.
- Mow and edge regularly, and catch and remove the clippings.
- Keep bare areas of planting sites lightly cultivated until plants fill out.
- Keep your garden clean at all times!